Donate £5 to Princes Trust and get 15% off at Dock and Bay

Who qualifies for this offer?

Anyone who has made a donation to the specified charity qualifies for this offer. Once you've completed your donation through the button on gocertify you'll automatically be given the offer. Note: The donation must start from this form, not on the JustGiving platform.

I'm having trouble with this offer who shall I contact?

This service is run by gocertify.me for any queries about your donation or eligibility go back tap the 'Support' button.

How much do I need to donate?

The amount you need to donate is specified in the title of this offer. Any donations below this threshold won't be eligible.

How long does it take to get my discount code?

Your donation will be instantly validated and your discount code will be shown on the screen within a few seconds.

Who are The Princes Trust?

The Prince’s Trust is a charity for young people. We help 11 to 30 year-olds to develop the confidence and skills they need to try free courses and start careers. The Trust has helped over 1,000,000 young people to date and supports over 100 more each day.

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