20% off for New and Expectant Mums at Nuby

Who qualifies for this offer?

Anyone with an NHS maternity exemption certificate, meaning you are due to have a baby or have recently had one within the last year

What forms of ID are accepted?

You can upload either a physical or digital copy of your exemption certificate

I'm having trouble with this offer who shall I contact?

This verification service is run by gocertify.me for any queries about verification or eligibility go back tap the 'Support' button.

What is a maternity exemption certificate?

You’re entitled to a maternity exemption certificate if, at the time of your application, you are pregnant or have given birth in the last 12 months.

Speak to your midwife, doctor or health visitor. They'll complete the application for you. They can do this as soon as they confirm that you’re pregnant.

If they use the digital maternity exemption service you can get your certificate by email as soon as they have completed the application.

Otherwise, you'll get a paper certificate in the post

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